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11 December 2017

Greenhouse gas emissions across EU drop slightly in 2016

Greenhouse gas emissions across the European Union decreased modestly in 2016, according to estimates published in the latest climate ‘trends and projections’ assessments released today by the European Environment Agency (EEA).

Sustainable Cities Mobility Index 2017

A world ranking that analyzed urban transport patterns of 100 cities around the world and indicated the state of implementation of sustainable urban mobility systems. This is the study "Sustainable Cities Mobility Index 2017", prepared by the Center for Economics and Business Research (Cebr) for Arcadis (a global design, engineering and management consulting company based in Amsterdam).

Public consultation for Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS)

DG MOVE, the Commission department responsible for mobility and transport, recently published aconsultation for C-ITS which –will be open till 5 January 2018.
Today, vehicles are connected devices with plenty of applications (journey planners, travel information services, automatic 112 calls, advanced cruise control etc.) and in the near future they may interact with each other and with traffic managers. This interaction is the domain of Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS). For this reason, the publication is open to transport operators, drivers, manufacturers, C-ITS system providers, public administrations and citizens.
The questionnaire is available in most EU languages.
Take part here!

New transport projects launched in Tallinn

European Commissioner for Transport and Mobility Violeta Bulc launched 15 projects co-financed by the Connecting Europe Facility programme (CEF) at the Digital Transport Days in Tallinn last week. The projects are expected to develop digital solutions and upgrade the European rail, road, maritime and air transport network. These projects were selected for funding via a competitive call for proposals that will in total invest €2.7 billion in 152 key transport projects across the EU.

National Strategic Transport Plan in course of implementation from the Greek Ministry

The Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport is already processing the National Strategic Transport Plan of Greece which is a project funded by Community resources and it is implemented under the financial management of the European Investment Bank. It is expected to be completed by March 2017.
The National Strategic Transport Plan refers to the analysis of the entire transport sector (road, rail, air and maritime transportation) through the collection of the appropriate data taking into account environmental and social-politic factors. In addition, it includes the development of the necessary supportive tools for planning and decision making (traffic system models, cost-benefit analysis model and web database). The National Transport Plan will facilitate the definition and will set the grounds for future policies and investments in the transport sector.
National Strategic Transport Plan information can be found here and here