IPTOP (Integrated Public Transport Optimisation and Planning) project will develop innovative methods for transport service design and supervision that take advantage of previously unavailable traveller data. The practical goals of IPTOP are a balanced improvement in the traveller experience and operating efficiencies, and a consequent increase in public transport market share and progress in the response to climate change.
IPTOP asserts that recent advances in the field of analytics (databases, analysis tools) and new traveller data sources (due to new fare collection technologies) provide an opportunity for a completely fresh and new application of mathematical optimisation at a very large scale. In the past, narrow, localized optimization techniques have demonstrated benefits of 3-16%, according to the scenario and performance indicator used. IPTOP seeks even greater benefits from an integrated, large scale analysis of the transport network.
For society, the key results of IPTOP will be a more efficient use of the resources used for public transport. The mathematical programming approach optimises an objective function, which weighs a set of different decision variables to maximise or minimise a given objective (e.g. to improve socio-economic revenue seen from the transport authorities point of view; to improve passenger utility and related to this; to maximise the mode shift to public transport; to achieve a higher efficiency of operation seen from the transport operators).
The variables in the object function can be directly measured as key performance indicators, e.g. savings of passengers transfer times, increasing number of passengers and hence revenues from ticket sales, and reduction of cost of operation. Since the models will be run on large-scale real-life cases, they can be seen as proof of concepts, and the improvement of the indicators will be documented as part of the scientific papers.
The project is funded by the Innovation Fund Denmark for a period of 5 years from 2015-2019 and is coordinated by Technical University of Denmark.
For more information: click here.
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