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11 December 2017

Greenhouse gas emissions across EU drop slightly in 2016

Greenhouse gas emissions across the European Union decreased modestly in 2016, according to estimates published in the latest climate ‘trends and projections’ assessments released today by the European Environment Agency (EEA).

The reports are drafted yearly by the EEA to take stock of the EU's and Member States' progress in meeting their climate and energy targets, which includes reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 20 % compared to 1990 levels by 2020.
According to preliminary estimates, emissions for 2016 in the EU decreased by 0.7% from 2015. The slight drop corresponds to a 23% decrease in emissions between 1990 and 2016. The decrease in 2016 was mainly due to a rising share of renewable energy and a switch from coal to gas in the EU's fuel mix for power generation, despite an increase in energy consumption and growth in emissions in the residential and transport sectors. These factors are reflected in the changes in emissions under the EU ETS and under the Effort Sharing Decision.
Updated projections also show that current efforts need to be stepped up to achieve more ambitious longer term objectives. As already stated in previous assessments, the pace of reductions in emissions beyond 2020 is expected to slow down under current policies, falling short of the 40% reduction target for 2030.
Greenhouse gas emission trends, projections and targets in the EU, 1990-2050
Source of image: 'Trends and projections in Europe 2017', EEA.
For additional information on the EU's contribution to international climate action click here for the European Commission's progress report 'Two years after Paris – Progress towards meeting the EU's climate commitments'.
More information here

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